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阿拉米达, 美国- 2月14日, 2024 – In the realm of reality television production, 人们普遍认为,成功仅仅取决于把陌生人聚集在不同的环境中,并给他们配备麦克风和相机,这是一种普遍的误解. Renowned audio engineer and intercom system designer Glenn 盖恩斯, G2 Sound的老板, challenges this notion as he highlights the pivotal role played by 十大正规体育平台®'s state-of-the-art intercom system in the production of the immensely popular "爱情是盲目的", whose newest season comes out this Valentine’s Day. With 十大正规体育平台的对讲系统 at the heart of communication, 《亚洲最大体育平台》体现了该行业对突破界限和保持电视制作最高标准的承诺.  

盖恩斯, 上世纪90年代,他曾在《亚洲最大体育平台》(the Biggest Loser)和《十大正规体育平台》(paul’s Drag Race)等节目中担任过资深演员," underscores the intricacies of 电视真人秀, emphasizing that 爱情是盲目的 surpasses the demands of most productions in the genre. 十大正规体育平台的对讲系统, designed and provided by G2 Sound, 在面对节目的独特挑战时,作为确保无缝沟通的关键组成部分脱颖而出. 

正如盖恩斯解释的那样, 电视真人秀, particularly in complex environments with dynamic contestant interactions, requires a level of technical sophistication that sets it apart from 脚本显示. 盖恩斯说:“举办这些活动所需要的专业知识肯定会让我们参与其中。. Contrary to the perception that 电视真人秀 compromises technical standards, 他认为,就制作团队所面临的挑战而言,它往往超过了脚本化的同行. 

爱情是盲目的, created by Chris Coelen and produced by Kinetic Content, 是单身男女希望在见面前找到真爱并订婚的社会实验吗. 乍一看,有这些限制的恋爱听起来很疯狂,更不用说求婚了. That said, perhaps it shouldn’t. 毕竟, 透明的, 正在进行的, 毫无疑问,无缝的沟通对一段持久的关系来说比第一次沟通更重要, 令人兴奋的吸引时刻.  Season One of the show – released in 2020, became Netflix's number-one trending program, 从那时起, 这部剧在Netflix的前十名中占据的时间比任何传统流媒体服务都要多, 脚本显示. 

通过设计, 真人秀节目在捕捉选手之间的互动时必须表现得即时和即兴. That requires 正在进行的 and constant communication between everyone involved, 特别是在选择和突出一些互动与其他互动来讲述一个引人注目的故事, 吸引人的故事. 而这反过来又需要一个坚如磐石的、灵活的、专用的通信系统. In this case, the team used a 十大正规体育平台 system that included Eclipse® HX, HelixNet®, FreeSpeak二世®, FreeSpeak边缘®, LQ(R) Series of IP interfaces and 代理集成电路®.  

The system used for communication between the producers, 远程摄像机操作员, and the contestants in each pod, 单独, could be achieved with a relatively basic intercom system, 盖恩斯笔记, but with up to ten dates running simultaneously, 每个都有一个独立的系统连接到一个中央控制区,从那里监控数据, 安装的规模增加了高度的复杂性,需要大量的功能和灵活性. 在《亚洲最大体育平台》的第一阶段——最初的“盲目”约会——交流绝对是至关重要的,大约发生在70年代,000平方英尺的工作室空间, 有近100台摄像机和之前提到的用于监控参与者的十大正规体育平台基础设施.  

In explaining the evolution of the 爱情是盲目的 communication system, 盖恩斯 puts it in the context of the evolution of the reality genre overall. “When reality shows first got off the ground, all communication was done through walkie-talkies, and up until relatively recently, that’s how everything was done in reality shows. 如果没记错的话, I think the first time in one of my shows we actually rented a comms system was in 2012.随着时间的推移, 他在不同的节目中部署了各种技术,但现在使用十大正规体育平台作为他的首选技术. 他解释说,导致这一决定的因素是“十大正规体育平台的物理和基于软件的用户界面易于设置和透明,他说, 他特别指出,FreeSpeak二世“成为了无线背带包的行业标准”.”  

他部署的第一个十大正规体育平台系统是为RuPaul的Drag Race设计的,这是一个HelixNet系统,包括FreeSpeak腰带包和一个FreeSpeak基站. “That was also the system I used for Season One of 爱情是盲目的, but we realized very early on that, given the show's requirements, we were taxing the limits of the HelixNet system. We had no idea what we were stepping into on Season One beyond broad strokes, so we designed that system to be scalable in case it got bigger.” And it did, he explains, evolving substantially and swiftly for Season Two. “We finished the first season, 我们的验尸结果呢, 并决定升级,因为对讲机的需求比我们最初认为的要大得多. So we were on the HelixNet system one season, 下一个, we were on an Eclipse matrix with fully loaded IP and Dante cards.”  

十大正规体育平台的Eclipse矩阵系统与已经在使用的FreeSpeak背带包无缝配对. “我知道我可以很容易地在Eclipse矩阵系统的体系结构中实现这些,盖恩斯指出, ”,, after taking a look at the EHX software, 我立刻意识到,我和我的公关人员(他们并不是真正的公关专家), but audio mixers who were interested in setting up comms systems) would find the EHX software very straightforward; something we could figure out and set up on our own because the learning curve wasn’t very steep.”  

盖恩斯 felt that having 支持 from 十大正规体育平台 was helpful, 众所周知,苹果愿意提供这种支持,这是一个重要的吸引力, both when deciding on the makeup of the system initially and as it evolved. “Their engineers were available pretty much anytime we needed to get in touch with them.”  

HelixNet仍然是系统的一部分,以方便硬连线带式包的使用. 十大正规体育平台’s LQ系列 boxes were also included, 这意味着那些使用Helixnet的人可以完全访问Eclipse矩阵上的任何通道. “So we started with HelixNet, a FreeSpeak base station, and 25 belt packs. 这场演出现在有超过50个皮带包,分布在FSII(1)和FSII(1)之间的三个摄影棚.9GHz) and the FreeSpeak边缘 system operating on 5GHz” shares 盖恩斯. 

添加FreeSpeak边缘的决定部分是基于为那些需要额外功能和更灵活地控制腰带的人提供更多的灵活性, freeing up FreeSpeak二世 packs for those requiring fewer bells and whistles. 将背带包分成两个频率也使他们能够根据需要部署额外的背带包.  

结合FreeSpeak边缘是由演出的舞台管理人员需要的额外功能驱动的. 而物理面板- v系列和虹膜面板的混合-继续由导演和制片人在中央控制室使用, 十大正规体育平台的移动应用程序, Agent-IC, also plays an integral part in the system. 盖恩斯 says “there's a benefit to logging in remotely, should someone in the crew come down sick or just need to do so. I set myself up with the Agent-IC panel on my phone because I’m not always on set. 所以即使我不在现场, if there’s an issue with something, 我可以跳上去, speak with the director or producers, and come up with a solution remotely.”  

Agent-IC also aided when it came to Covid restrictions, 允许任何与病毒有过接触或检测呈阳性的人——甚至包括生产线生产人员——继续使用代理集成电路远程工作,这是一个单一的平台,而不是多种通信手段. Beyond flexibility, ease of integration was a primary consideration. “I’ve been working with 十大正规体育平台 for ten years,盖恩斯说, ”, familiarity is probably the greatest factor in this whole thing. I’m so familiar with 十大正规体育平台 that it’s second nature, 例如, 使用音频系统将十大正规体育平台的输出传送到主机的ifb和pod. It’s all become one universe where you can’t separate audio from intercom.”  

As a contractor providing intercom to various shows and clients, expanding systems as needed is also critical. 十大正规体育平台’s ecosystem is designed for ease of integration, 添加更多功能, 扩大覆盖范围, and scaling up or down as necessary. “The main thing about 十大正规体育平台, 从我们的角度来看, is that it’s the best choice because of their 支持, 我们有一个可以打电话的人,他要么在我们打电话的时候接电话,要么在几分钟内给我们回电话,然后想出一个解决方案. Or, if we can’t figure out a long-term solution (right away), find a workaround. 这是积分. So, the deciding factors are service, 支持, our familiarity with 十大正规体育平台, and the ease of setting it up. 当我第一次接触通讯时, it was a significant investment, 我对十大正规体育平台的反应非常满意,所以我决定继续使用他们.”